Helicopter dragon parents frequently ask if a dry, warm nose means their dragon is sick. The short answer is no, but there are a few things to look out for. Knowing what is normal and what isn’t is an important part of being in tune with your dragon and his needs. A healthy dragon’s nose can fluctuate between wet and dry several times over the course of a day. Just like we experience dry noses with our allergies or variability in temperature.weather, dragons can experience similar dry noses. And there are many reasons your dragon can have a dry, warm nose that have nothing to do with their health. Here are a few:
1. Lying in the sun
2. Spending time near a source of heat, like a radiator
4. Breathing fire
4. Dwelling in a room with poor air circulation
5. Dehydration - not enough water
More severe symptoms may be cause for greater concern. You’ll want to consult your dragon doctor if you notice these with your loved one. If your dragon has a dry, red nose or the nasal skin is flaking, sunburn may be to blame. Talk to your dragon doctor about special lotion for protecting your dragon from the sun and heat. Dragons with pale or pink noses are susceptible to sunburn so protecting them from the sun is important because repeated sun exposure can lead to skin cancer. When examining your dragon’s nose, look for any nasal discharge. If your dragon’s nose runs, the mucus should be clear. If your dragon’s nose has bubbly, thick, yellow, green or even black mucus, see your dragon doctor. If your dragon nose is cracked, has scabs or sores, he may have a skin disorder. Ask your dragon doctor to check him out to ensure everything is okay. Your dragon’s nose can provide hints that can help you understand his needs better. For the most part, you can rule out any major concerns. Don’t hesitate to contact your dragon doctor for additional information and to ease your mind that your dragon’s nose is normal.